Saturday 18 January 2014

New Blackphone that will secure your all data Announced

New Blackphone that will secure your all data Announced

Nowadays everyone asked why our data is not secured and how we secure our personnel data, don't worry today I will tell you about new device that will secure your all data company name Blcakphone it is a joint deal between privacy specialists Silent Circle and the team which brought us the first Firefox OS hardware: Geeksphone.

This new Blackphone will run a special version of Android OS called PrivatOS.

Through this device and privateOS everyone able to send and receive secure message, make and receive secure calls and you can hold your call without theft fear, transfer files to and from the device another features VPN for private browsing and the phone have GSM and will be sold unlocked.

We all know the previous history of that team which involve of making Blackphone like "Secure calls are made with VoIP using a username and a 10-digit pin code so only the two parties have access to the stream". Snapchat-style auto delete option is also included, which will see any message, video, picture, or voice recording self destruct after a preset time period. Also, there will be the option to recall accidentally sent messages.

Blackphone will make its official début at the beginning of Mobile World Congress on February 24, when pre-orders for the device are also expected to start.Source

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